Saturday, March 13, 2010

What could be better?

Today was a wonderful day.  Kristin and I try to be sure that at least one day of the weekend is reserved for rest.  That means no check-lists, no school work, no talking about behavior management strategies (I shouldn't even type those words!).  We just do things that--as stated eloquently by Andy Scott--that feed our souls.  We decided that we would try to ride the bikes to Rustica in Uptown to get coffee.  It was such an awesome ride, Minneapolis is made for long bike rides.

We rode through the ruins of old flour mills:

Over cool bridges:

Through foggy downtown:

And on the incredible Greenway (the bike "highway"):

And we didn't end up hating each other!

Today was great.  It is so needed to be human as often as you can.  So enjoy your life wherever you are.  Those that have tons of free time, don't feel guilty! Take advantage of it, because someday you might not have it.  Those of you with no free time, find it.  If you don't make space in your life for the things that you will remember, they will never happen.

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